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Home  >  News  >  Introduction and Application of Compression Spring

Introduction and Application of Compression Spring


  Compression spring (compression spring) is a kind of spiral spring which is subjected to directional pressure. Its material section is mostly circular, and it is also made of rectangular and multi-strands steel. The spring is usually equal-pitch.

  The compression spring has cylindrical, conical, middle convex and concave shape and a few non-circular shapes. There is a certain gap between the ring and the ring of the compression spring, and when it is subjected to external load, the spring shrinks and deforms.Storage of deformation energy.

  The compression spring of the wire spring is used for all types from home appliances to motor equipment, motors, etc., as it is the required type of spring.By the load acting on them or their ends being compressed, the compression spring is designed to compress the wire to try to return the spring to its original shape, thereby pushing the load back.Main applications: medical respiratory equipment, medical mobile equipment, hand tools, home care equipment, shock absorber, engine valve spring.