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Home  >  News  >  Mechanical spring, coil spring, compression spring, piston rod, fork tube magazine

Mechanical spring, coil spring, compression spring, piston rod, fork tube magazine


Jiangsu weiyuan gaofeng spring co.,ltd is a manufactur for motorcycle absorber springs in China with high quality products and a professional sales team. 

We have specialized in motorcycle absorber springs,a variety of special springs,breeches pipe.specializing in the production of 21 years,all of our products are manufactured according to ISO 16949:2009 Quality Management & GMC Certificate.

Spring is use the elasticity of the material and spiral shape structure, to bear the  pressure, and to provide resistance to external pressure.Spring performance is determines the comfort and service life of the shock absorber . Comfort of the vehicle in the use of the spring plays a leading role.The thickness of the wire, the pitch and the size of the outer diameter determine the comfort.

Tensile spring: hook, from the tensile role, For machinery and equipment, furniture, clutch, brake pads and so on.

Torsion springs: mainly produced by reverse the force. For life in the clip, clothing pins on the furniture, mechanically.

All kinds of profiled spring for machinery, hardware, life.

For the cylinder, cylinder for RV, trunk, furniture type support,from the 45 # round steel made according to customer requirements,surface plating treatment.