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Use a Coil Spring Compressor


Over time, coil springs loose their structural integrity. This loss can result in a drop in the height of the vehicle, reduced maneuverability and an increased wear of important structural suspension components. Replacing the worn coil springs with new springs will restore the vehicle's proper ride height and result in a significant improvement in handling. Properly removing the old coil springs necessitates the use of a coil spring compressor.

1.Identify the four components of the coil spring compressor. First is the threaded rod which runs the length of the compressor. Second, identify the tightening nut located at the end of the threaded rod. The remaining two parts are the jaws of the compressor. The jaws are threaded onto the threaded rod and face each other.

2.Raise the front of the vehicle with a suitable jack.

3.Support the vehicle with jack stands capable of supporting the weight of the vehicle.

4.Fold both jaws of the coil spring compressor so that they fit against the threaded rod.

5.Lower the coil spring compressor through the center of the coil spring. The end of the coil spring compressor that does not have the tightening nut goes into the coil spring first.

6.Retract each coil spring compressor jaw so that they grasp onto the coils of the spring.

7.Turn the tightening nut located on top of the coil spring compressor in a clockwise direction with a wrench to compress the coil spring.

8.Once the coil spring is compressed, remove the spring with the compressor still attached from the bottom of the vehicle.

9.Carefully turn the tightening nut of the compressor in a counterclockwise direction to release the coil spring from the coil spring compressor.