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Home  >  News  >  Weiyuan spring belt you to find the beauty of the spring

Weiyuan spring belt you to find the beauty of the spring


    Spring--- with rigid to create soft! For more than 20 years, the Weiyuan staff has not only regarded it as a "product", but also a piece of "artwork", high-strength material, the diameter from the hair small to the fingers thick, Circle perfect spiral, after strong pressure, grinding, shaping and other technology, and put on a multicolored jacket, then pring to show the charm of art! This is also a show of skills.

    In Jiangsu Weiyuan gaofeng spring Co., Ltd., you can see a variety of springs. Although the spring is small, but with the spirit of the screw and the role of widely used in various fields, a word summary of the spring - "This Print Point of View: Although Small,A Steelyard Weight May Tip A Hundred Pound"

    Look tired of the spring standing on the display , today to see a group of springs in the flower shop,looks warmer and more beautiful!