Add:NO.2,Yaoyanshang,Chengdong Village,Xueyan Town,Wujin District,Changzhou City,Jiangsu Province,China
What Are Compression Springs Used For
There are several different types of springs in common use. One such type is the compression spring, which has many different and diverse uses.
Compression Springs
A compression spring serves the opposite function of an extension spring. An extension spring holds two items together, while a compression spring keeps two things apart.
What it Looks Like
A compression spring is made of thicker gauge wire than an extension spring, and is at rest in an extended position.
How it Works
The compression spring works by absorbing potential energy as it is being compressed, like a child jumping on a pogo stick. It then releases that energy as it expands.
Common Uses
In addition to pogo sticks and shock absorbers, compression springs are also used in mattresses and earthquake resistant foundations.
Industrial Uses
Some industries that use compression springs are the automotive industry and the aerospace industry. They can be used in switches and fluid/air control.